After the printer was finally assembled, I was left with a mysterious aluminium plate, that was originally covered in a thick film that I mistakenly peeled off, assuming it was merely protection for its polished surface. Browsing the manufacturer’s page for hints to what the film actually was to replace it, I found the image […]

The purpose of this post is to show some of the actual steps of the assembly process, since its theory was already extensively documented. Additionally I explain how I resolved the issue of the missing and defective parts and how, by trial and error, I managed to deal with assembly steps that were not documented […]

After much researching, deciphering and documenting, I understood enough of the 3D printer design so that I could start assembling it with confidence. If you read other posts, you may remember that the assembly manual was already a topic of discussion: There’s a step-by-step assembly manual included in the CD, customized for this specific Prusa […]

Like I said before, this post will be about trying to make sense and documenting the contents of the CD that came with a Prusa i3 I’ve bought. This post ended up a lot longer than I could’ve anticipated, but for as someone a limited knowledge of 3d printers, documenting the whole exploratory process was […]

After overcoming a valley in my enthusiasm chart, I have finally decided to use some of my free time to finally start to assemble my additive printer. I’ve decided to document the unpacking process because: By doing so, I force myself to comprehend the entire set up before I get my hands dirty. From personal […]

Recently I decided to finally put to use the things I’ve learned during the development of my graduation project (read my previous post to know a bit more about it) and start my very own personal mini digital factory. At this point, I don’t know exactly what I’m aiming for, but I feel an urge […]

I’ve wanted an open source 3D printer ever since I first read about a RepRap Mendel in 2009. “Self replicating machines” and “make your own objects”, the article said. It instantly caught my interest with an intensity that way long ago forgotten. Regardless, I didn’t feel up to the task of building one. Even though […]